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Thursday, June 17, 2010

What I can make out of course 611- Information and communication Technology

NAME:                ONWUMBIKO  JOY

Gill(2000) as cited by Okorie defined Information and communication Technology as the modern science of gathering,storing,manipulating,processing and communicating desired types of information in a specific environment. Information and Communication Technology in all its forms-Intrnet, E-mail, World Wide Web(WWW), CD-ROM, and so on has created opportunities for storing, organising,accessing, and diseminating knowledge(Oriito,2005).
Therefore,  Information and Communication Technology Course is very beneficial to me in two ways-as a student and as a librarian.
  • As a Student
ICT replaced Ignorance with Knowledge
Before now passing assignment on Net would not have been possible if not for Information and Communication Technology. The traditional way is to write and pass in the class but with the introduction of ICT Course I am able to learn how to use the blog. 
  • Personal Confidence is gained
At this age of Information and Technology, it is so disgusting when things like the hardware,software,websites etc are discussed and one do not understand what is been discussed not to talk of making an input,the course has brought a change. Today I can confidently participate effectively when issues of that nature comes up and can even initiate the topic.
  • Search for Information is made easier
This course had given me the opportunity to source information outside the four walls of the Libraries. Search is now extended to the Internet which has a lot of information from which information need can be met.search can be done at night when the library has closed for the day.The problem of not allowing users to take materias home is reduced because one can source information from home without hindrance..Bibliographic access has made searching less stressful as it helps one obtain information at a considerable time.
  • Shyness is overcome
Students that feel shy to ask question in class can easily do so through the Net.
  • As a librarian
According to Anunobi C and Nwabueze A (2010) Librarians need more than traditional skill to operate in this communication age,basic computer knowledge and the ability to use any library software for pfofessional proficency is needed because these operations and services are designed by the software engineers,librarians therefore needs this professional skills and basic computer literacy to be abli to render services through locally network stations.
Cooperative and Centralization of services are made possible by the Information and C ommunication Technology thereby given the librarian the opportunity of sharing recoeds and building if conceptum through shared responsibilities.Dahl, B and  Spatti(2006) as cited by Anunobi categorically stated that for a librarian to fit into the digital environment which is the inthing now and for him to avoid being left out by the bandwagon it is important that librarians should be flexible and be willing to take risks. Kreitz(1996) seem to support the above assertion when he opined that librarians should learn and use their knowledge and experience to create better opportunities of linking researchers with a variety of information sources,develop database to meet the needs of their academic community and others around them.
Eke,H Orji,D and Okorie,A (2010)listed the role of librarians as the ability to embrace change which is the only thing that is constant,comfort in the on-line medium is another role that cannot be ignored,these days there are lots of online resources waiting to be accessed and librarians need to help patrons locate these materials and also be able to sort out problems encoutered by users in their bid to find information and not be afraid to learn new technologies rather embrace it.
All these points to the fact that learning of Information and Communication Technology is very crucial to librarians


Anunobi, C ana Nwabueze, A(2010) Migrating from the Traditional to the Digital Library Envir$onment:whither Nigerian Information Professionals. a paper presented at a sumit at the University of Nigeria Nsukka.

Eke, H, Orji,D and Okorie, A (2010) Quickies for 21st century librarian. a paper presented at the University of Nigeria  Nsukka Sumit-May 2010.

Okore, A (2010) Demographic and Socio economic factors as determinants of Information and Communication Technology use for scholarly communications in Nigerian Universities  


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