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What is ICT/Concept of ICT
With the advent of Information and Communication Technology, there has been a radical change in the library systems and its operation and services. The emerging technologies in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) challenge the traditional library operation which is based on its techniques and services and management. The New Encyclopedia Britannica (2006) defined technology as a growing range of means, processes and ideas in addition to tools and machines. Obodoeze (2004) states that technology is the application of practical, mechanical sciences to industry and commerce. It could also be regarded as technical methods, skills or knowledge. Information refers to processed data, facts and messages which may be gained as a result of a study, research or transaction, and when transmitted to a received becomes knowledge. It is used to describe mankind’s accumulated knowledge derived from all subjects, in all forms, and from all sources that would help its users to reduce the level of uncertainty. Communication on its part is the process of transmitting and receiving ideas, information and message.
Information and communication technology can be derived from the above as the set of activities which facilitate by means of electronic means, the processing, transmission and display of information- world experts. It is therefore the technologies people use to share, distribute, gather information and communicate through computers and computer networks. Information and Communication Technology represent a cluster of associated technologies defined by their functional usage in information access and communication of which the key embodiment is the internet. Information is increasingly being passed from machine to machine (computer) without human intervention. The advances of information and communication technology have incessantly invaded virtually every aspect of human endeavour. Information is the life blood of any modern knowledge.
Onwudinjo and Ifeka (2008) opined that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the mechanism to process, store and transmit information which can be in numeric, text and graphic form and that computer application is central to this mechanism. Users are linked not just to an artifact of knowledge like books but also to knowledge itself in the form of human expertise experience.
These are therefore several things that we can make out (gain from) ICT in library science courses. Professor Sam Ifidon (2002) asserts that information rules the world. This means that underlying every field of human endeavour is the need for information: no discipline can do without it. Libraries are ICT dependent. In a world where any interaction at every stratum of society has become imperative, information plays a dominant role in all facets of the interaction. Professional librarians haven been acquainted with full knowledge of ICT are better placed as custodians of information through librarian and information. Librarians know what they want. They also know how to get what they want and more importanstly privileged to know the techniques of dissemination and preservation of these information.
The study of ICT in library and information science courses presents librarians as great administrators, educators, researchers, entrepreneurs etc. Modern information and communication technology (ICT) has miniature the world into a global village. Librarians avail themselves of this golden opportunity offered by ICT by browsing the internet, visiting websites instead of wallowi in fear, ignorance and anxiety. Information thereby becomes accessible and available.
Information and information dissemination communication are highly needed in all aspects of administration and management. Librarians as administrators are availed with right information through ICT in order to make right decisions. Quality information when effectively used to support good decisions lead to good decision making and effective performance of managerial activities.
In research, Information and Communication Technology plays a vital role. ICT in library and information science courses help in reduction of duplication of efforts. It enables the professional librarian to take advantage of existing knowledge and ‘know how’ achieved elsewhere in solving his own problems without duplicating existing works.
Furthermore, the role of ICT in education and manpower development cannot be over-emphasized. Library and information services exercise profound influence on education. Online tutorials are now available even at our homes due to modern information and communication technologies. Therefore, it creates more information technology professionals through participatory trainings. One could easily find needed materials on the internet just by surfing through a particular site.
Again, the society is dependent on rapid and reliable communication.
Information and Communication Technology has allowed us to open ground breaking communication technologies that satisfy the dependence. Electronic mail (e-mail) and instant messaging (IM) have become the most reliable and fast communication devices capable of transmitting and manipulating electronic data. Through these methods ICT is bringing people closer together. ICT is mainly treasured for its cost effectiveness, time saving and space saving approach.
Conclusively, information and communication technology acquired through library and information science courses offers the librarian the opportunity of modern learning and application techniques. Competence and proficiency on ICT by librarians will keep them abreast with recent scientific development. Therefore the aims of ICT through library information courses cannot be too numerous to be underscored.
Azubike, Ken. A. etal (2001) Fundamentals of Library and Information Science, Awka. Nepa; Publishers.
Edoka B.E. (2000) Introduction to Library Science. Onitsha. Palma Publishers.
Encyclopedia Britannica (2006). London: Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. 18 (21).
Ifidon Sam (1999). A guide to Reference Services. Lagos. St Michaels.
Obodoeze, F.O. (2004), Science and Technology Information: A Guide to Library users. Nimo. Dieu Benesse.
Onwudinjo, T.U. and Okeke Ifeka (2006). The Ned for Digitalization of Law Libraries in Nigeria Universities: A case study of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Unizik Journal of Research in Library and Information Science (2) 50-60.
Opara, Umunna (2006). Reference Sources and Services: A Foundation Text. Owerri Springfield Publishers.
Ordi, Theresa. O. (2006). Principles and Management of Library Science Kaduna. Palerd.
Unizik Journal of Research in Library and Information Science 1 (2). 2008.
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