This age is characterized by the phenomenon described as "information explosion" or "information glut". Libraries as centres for learning and research can nolonger cope with information management through the use of traditional methods. The advent of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) has given librarians a face lift in the organization and management of information in the library.
The importance of ICT in the library has been explored by many writers in Library and Information ScienceProfession. This is tosay that there is enough literature in this topic.
hence, Hinderson (1992) as cited by Anaehobi (2007) listed the advantages orthe importance of ICT in the library follows:
(a). Provision of speedy and easy access to information
(b). Provision of remote access to the users.
(c). Provision of round the clock access to the users.
(d). Access tounlimited information from different sources.
(e). Provision of flexibility to be used by any individual according tohis /her requirements.
(f). The flexibility forthe reformarting and combination of data from different sources.
Ebijuwa (2005) giving the importance ICT in the library observed that ICT can be used in the Library and Information services toprovide lecturers,students, administrators,researchers and the generalpublic with information effectively and efficiently.
The information categories,she stated include bibliographical information,catalogue information, access to originalpublications whereever they are located, information other than publications,that is facts and access to information media other than books (audio,video, and CD-ROM softwares.
In agreement with the above ideas, Anaehobi (2007) states that with the advances in ICTs, electronic information in the forms of e-books, e-journals and the Internet has launched the world into an information age. To librarians, he continued, ICT is a significant development thatprovides tools for managing the avalanche of information generated by the modern society.
In consonance with these, Omekwu (2005) observed that ICT is very inevitable forall kinds of librariesforbetter services. Faboyinde (2006) is of the opinion that computer hasmade such a termendous impact on the organization, management and dissemination of information thatit readily commends itself toevery library to accept it or become limited in satisfying its clentele.
According to Obinyan and Adebimpe (2000), Information and Communications Tchnologies are utilized foreffectiveness and efficiency in discharging library services and to cope with contemporary issues such as incereased schoolpopulation,information explosion and theneed to bring the whole world into a global village.
ICT according to Obiyan and Adebimpe (2000) helps toachieve the following in the library:
(a). Processing of documents for acquisition,ordering and control of serials ans monographs as well as the account forthe materials.
(b). Controlof circulation records including loan
(c). Generation and maintenance of lists and records of many types including library catalogue,acquisition
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