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Friday, December 17, 2010

5 Preferred websites used by students at the virtual hall



ONWUMBIKO JOY:                                  2009206014P
IMUERO PATIENCE:                                2009206013F
IHRIEROMA CORDELIA:                         2009206007F
IGBONWELUNDU THEOPHILUS:           2009206006P

          Following growing trends in the internet world a great number of students make use of the virtual hall instead of the main library. They make use of different types of websites like www.facebook.com, www.google.com, www.wikipedia.com, www.yahoo.com and www.unizikeduportal.com etc.

        A five day visit to the virtual hall revealed to us that some websites are preferred more than others. We gathered the record using interviews, observation and check-list. A sample of 70 students out of the students who use the hall each day for 5 days are ranked by us as follows:
1.                www.google.com
2.                www.wikipedia.com
3.                www.unizikeduportal.com
4.                www.yahoo.com
5.                www.facebook.com

1.                www.google.com
Those students who prefer the use of this website said it is the most popular of all websites, faster, simpler to use and more accurate in its information materials. Also it is most convenient and gives related items to topics being searched.

2.                www.wikipedia.com
Those of the students that prefer this website said it gives more detailed results on topics. Irrespective of its ‘weaknesses’, the results are in simple language, elaborate and easy to comprehend.

3.                www.unizikeduportal.com
Students said they use this website mainly for university related matters. They use it to check their result online. They also use it to get to journals published by the school. According to them, they also use it for online registration of courses.

4.                www.yahoo.com
The virtual hall users said that they prefer using this website especially for accessing their electronic mails. They use it to send and receive mails.

5.                www.facebook.com
Most of the students are on facebook. So they said they use the website for social interaction and sharing of ideas with their friends, and relatives. They also use it for uploading and sharing of pictures with others in the internet. Most importantly they use the site for finding new friends and reaching the old ones.

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