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Thursday, July 1, 2010

what can we make out of ICT in library and information science course









In the blink of an eye, we have changed our most basic ways of proceeding in the world.

Checking our Facebook page before making the morning coffee. Googling our symptoms to decide whether or not to call a doctor. Handing over our day's work to be completed by a colleague halfway around the globe. Using a computing device the size of a wallet to set up a meeting, guide us to a new restaurant, organise a political rally, locate a new church, or introduce us to the love of our lives. And then Tweeting a real-time account of it all to our followers (1).

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as it where, has become a part and parcel of our modern life. There’s no sphere of our modern day life that ICT does not come into play. Be it with individuals, companies, governments, private organizations etc. UNESCO for example, gives a high priority to the use of ICT for more equitable and pluralistic access to information and knowledge in various spheres of human endeavour. In particular, UNESCO focuses its attention on the impact of ICT on education, gender, indigenous communities, people with disabilities and youth (2).

Use and Impact of ICT:

Before we go deeply into what we can make out of ICT as the question states, it will be pertinent for us to try and understand the term ICT. ICT literally stands for “Information and Communication Technology.” However, it has been explained or defined to mean, “the combination of computer technology, telecommunication technology and media.” The combination of these three components definitely creates a very powerful force (3).

Ever since people have recognized the importance of ICT in all spheres of our life, several conferences and meetings have been organized to see how this new development can be put into a more beneficial use to mankind. On 16-18 November 2005, participants in the Tunis meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society recognized the benefits that ICT can bring to humanity and the manner in which they can transform people’s lives and increase their confidence in the future. It was also recognized that the ICT revolution could have a tremendous positive impact as an instrument of sustainable development (4).

We are living in a world of accelerated technology that as each day unfolds so a new information and communication technology development is unraveled. With ICT people from different parts of the world can now easily share information thereby increasing the horizon of human knowledge and intelligence unlike before.

The impact of ICT on library and information is easily noticeable in the improvements it has created in our society. In the past, it takes a long time, money, journeys, and more to get information and disseminate same from one source to the other. But with the aid of ICT, people can sit in the comfort of their homes or a library and get and disseminate whatever information they need from the internet or other resource material without necessarily having to go to the physical source for such activity.

Thousands upon thousands of information are found in different data bases. Information usually stored in books are now being stored in different devices which capacity or life span out lives that of the human being. Information stored in tons of books could now be easily reduced into a website and stored in a compact disc or pen drive or other forms of storage devices. Retrieval of such information when needed is easily done. This has been summed up in the definition of information technology in the article “The Social Nature of Information Technology”, where it was defined as: the various technologies, which are used in the creation, acquisition, storage, dissemination, retrieval, manipulation and transmission of information (Moll 1983) (5). In its various manifestations, process data, gathers information, stores collected materials, accumulates knowledge and expedites communication (Chan 2002) (6). As having a primary focus of collecting, organizing, storing, retrieving, interpreting and using information (He 2003) (7).

In the past, documentation and records in the libraries are usually cumbersome. Our traditional library operating system leaves the attendants in a state of agony in trying to meet up with people’s request for information and resource materials. But with the aid of development in information and communication technology, with a little click on the computer information and resource materials are traced in a record time thereby saving time, money and energy which could be applied eventually in other areas.

ICTs are making it possible for a vastly larger population than at any time in the past to participate in sharing and expanding the base of human knowledge and to contribute to its further growth in various spheres of human endeavour. With the aid of ICT, there has been a great improvement in personal development. Many programmes are now being run online through e-learning, creating room for people who ordinarily by the nature of their work would not have had the opportunity to participate in these kind of training programmes.

Sustainability is another area where ICT has been effective. It has grown from strength to strength with the rate of its improvement. By virtue of the nature of the storage facilities, the information stored retains its originality for a very long time. The acquired knowledge is easily shared and imparted in others to keep it going. It creates room for the right information to be perfected and stored, disseminated to a target audience within a given time in the most appropriate form.


There’s no gain saying the fact that ICT has boosted the human livelihood from sourcing, storage, disseminating and retrieving of information. The general activity of mankind has been totally affected and become more organized.


1. http://www.hastac.org/blogs/cathy-davidson/how-does-internet-change-our-idea-human-nature

2. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=20790&URL_DO=DO_PRINTPAGE&URL_SECTION=201.html

3. As above

4. As above

5. Ilse Giesing: The Social Nature of Information Technology (2003)

6. As above

7. As above

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